Aaron Spears

Aaron Spears
Favorite drummer

Dwyane Wade aka Flash

Dwyane Wade aka Flash
My Favorite player And Best in the league

Friday, May 21, 2010

Explain the likely consequences of brothers and sisters constantly fighting.

Brothers and sisters fight all the time. It is normal for a brother and a sister, brother and brother, or sister and sister to have a altercation and or argument. Some people say it is perfectly normal and healthy for there to be some disagreements between siblings. An occasional argument is bound to happen between siblings, but if the fighting goes from sometimes to constantly, than that means there must be a reason behind all the constant disagreements. You should begin to ask questions like, what happened in the past that makes you want to constantly fight with your sibling. You go deep into the matter until you get a answer. Then once you pull that out of them, you explain the consequences. Tell them that the constant fighting can cause division among the family. Also begin to explain how the constant arguments can lead to fist fights, which can lead to serious injuries. In my opinion families shouldn't fight. They should try to work things out in a more simpler way, without the yelling and arguing. The number one prevention of slitting families is the time spent with each other. If u know your time is limited, then you should make your lasting moments with your family the best.

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