Aaron Spears

Aaron Spears
Favorite drummer

Dwyane Wade aka Flash

Dwyane Wade aka Flash
My Favorite player And Best in the league

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How music affects my life.

Honestly I can say that music has affected my life dramatically. I have been into music ever since I knew about instruments. Once I knew instruments was used to play music, I just had to learn how to play at least one instrument. Once i found out what drums was, I fell in love. I told myself as well as my mother i got to learn how to play the drums. Ive been in church practically all my life. My brother at the time was like the best drummer, then this kid Ishon took over, then my cousin James got better and took over. I would play here and there, but I would practice on my free time. Then James began to learn to play the organ, so I had to play the drums more regularly. Ishon had moved to Florida, my brother moved on to learning how to play bass, so that only left me. I began to play and I was always shy. My older cousin Kevin told me not to be afraid to play. So I started to play harder nd tryed new things. In time I got better. To this day I still learn new moves everytime I get on a drumset. So drumming changed my life in a way. Made me learn about patience, practice, anda desrie to want to succed.

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