Aaron Spears

Aaron Spears
Favorite drummer

Dwyane Wade aka Flash

Dwyane Wade aka Flash
My Favorite player And Best in the league

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Explain why you admire a particular person.

Dwyane Wade, one of the greatest players to ever play the game of basketball. I admire Dwyane Wade because he plays the game the way its supposed to be played. He isn't cocky about his game. He knows what he is capable of doing in a basketabll game but isnt very cocky about it.
Dwyane Wade came in the draft of 04. Also in that draft was the phenomenal Lebron James, Carmelo Anthony and, Chris Bosh. Wade came into the draft underated. He was the fifth overall pick in this draft. He was picked and signed by the Heat. During his second season with the Heat he won a championship. During the years people started to notice hoe great of a player Dwyane Wade was.
What makes me admire hime so much is his ability to take what he is given and use it to his advantage. Over the past 3-4 yrs, the team he was given was full of second and first year players. For those past 3-4 years he has single handed, brought his youn team to the playoffs consequtively. Wade may have not made it to the 3rd round but he made it to the playoffs. He doesn't sit around making excuses about having a young, unexperienced team. D Wade just plays his game to the best of his ability.

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