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Friday, June 4, 2010

Explain why parents are sometimes strict.

In this day and age parents choose to be strict. There are many reasons a parent has to be strict on there kids. Some parents choose to be strict because of the mistakes they had in the past. They might know that them giving their kids alot of space might leave room for their kid to screw up in life just like they did. Also these strict parents might think that being strict is the only way that their kids will have a chance or will achieve something in life.
There are some parents that was raised strictly so they continue the trend. Thye feel or believe that their parents raised them this way because they wanted the trend to past on. When I see parents like this i just believe that they just want to know they are in control. They just want to feel that they have power. I can tell the difference between a control freak and a caring parent. When I see a control freak it gets me really upset, they usually feel that it is neccesary to disipline their kids for small thingd instead of talking to them about it. Also they get mad at small things with their kids and want to shut them down.
So there are controling parents and strict parents. People jus have to learn how to tell the difference.

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